e-magazine - page 37

May - June 37
Table 2: Selected applications and functions of fat replacers
Specific Application
Fat Replacer General Functions*
Baked goods
Lipid based
Emulsify, provide cohesiveness, tenderize, carry
flavor, replace shortening, prevent staling, prevent
starch retrogradation, condition dough
Carbohydrate based
Retain moisture, retard staling
Protein based
Lipid based
Texturize, provide flavor and crispiness, conduct heat
Salad dressing
Lipid based
Emulsify, provide mouthfeel, hold flavorants
Carbohydrate based
Increase viscosity, provide mouthfeel, texturize
Protein based
Texturize, provide mouthfeel
Frozen desserts
Lipid based
Emulsify, texturize
Carbohydrate based
Increase viscosity, texturize, thicken
Protein based
Texturize, stabilize
Margarine, shortening,
Lipid based
Provide spreadability, emulsify, provide flavor and
spreads, butter
Carbohydrate based
Provide mouthfeel
Protein based
Lipid based
Emulsify, texturize
Carbohydrate based
Provide mouthfeel, texturize
Protein based
Provide mouthfeel, texturize
Processed meat products
Lipid based
Emulsify, texturize, provide mouthfeel
Carbohydrate based
Increase water holding capacity, texturize, provide mouthfeel
Protein based
Texturize, provide mouthfeel, water holding
Dairy products
Lipid based
Provide flavor, body, mouthfeel, and texture, stabilize, increase overrun
Carbohydrate based
Increase viscosity, thicken, aid gelling, stabilize
Protein based
Stabilize, emulsify
Soups, sauces, gravies
Lipid based
Provide mouthfeel and lubricity
Carbohydrate based
Thicken, provide mouthfeel, texturize
Protein based
Snack products
Lipid based
Emulsify, provide flavor
Carbohydrate based
Texturize, aid formulation
Protein based
*Functions are in addition to fat replacement
flavorful, satisfying foods, such as salad and cooking oils, cheeses,
ice creams, bakery products, and salty snacks and crackers, that are
reduced in fat or contain no fat.
When limiting dietary fat, consumers still need to satisfy their basic
nutritional needs. No product is a panacea. Additional reduced-fat
products will not replace a person’s need for moderation and good
nutrition. However, they do provide palatable alternatives which
canmake the difficult task of compliance with a reduced-fat and/or
reduced-calorie diet easier.Thus, when incorporated into an overall
balanced, nutritious diet, reduced-fat foods and beverages can play
an important role in helping consumers reach and maintain their
goal of reducing consumption of dietary fat, cholesterol and calories.
Article info
Calorie Control Council. (2013). Fat Replacers.
Casimir C. Akoh. (1998). Fat Replacers VOL. 52, Institute of Food Technologists.
Food Technology Vol. 52 No.3
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